1. Uploading an SOF document to the voyage

  1. Login to Voyager Portal.
    1. Use your email & password to log in.
  2. Go to the Voyages.
  3. Open the voyage you need to process the SOF for.
  4. Navigate to the 'Documents' tab. 
  5. Upload a file and classify it as type SOF (statement of facts).
    1. Click on Add Document > Upload.
    2. Browse or drag-drop the file.
    3. Select the category: SOF
    4.  Save.
  6. Once you have selected the relevant document, it will start parsing the file automatically.
  7. You can upload multiple files at once (these load in parallel) and/or continue with other actions. 
    • You can safely close the window while the 'pending' icon is circling, this will not affect the process. 
  8. After the file has completed loading (average 40 seconds, depending on the size of the PDF) you can proceed with the human validation step. 
    • It is encouraged (but not required) to upload PDFs that contain only the SOF.

2. Validating the SOF

2.1 Starting to validate

  1. In the Voyage > Documents tab, identify the SOF to validate and click on the magnifier icon, Validate SOF, to open the SOF parser.
  2. Select the portcall.
  3. Review the Vessel and Cargo details.
  4. Validate the Events listed in the SOF.

2.1.1 Types of events (Timestamp and durations)

  1. Timestamp event  - An event that occurred with a single time allocated to it.
  2. Duration event - Where in the SOF an activity was described with a start and end time.

2.2 Selecting relevant pages, lines and line thickness

In the SOF file, not all the pages may contain events' information. If that is the case, you can select the relevant pages to work with.

  1. From the SOF file, note the page number on which the data can be found.
  2. Go to the Relevant Events Filter.
  3. Select the page number (next to the Show Errors toggle). 
    1. The pages not selected will be hidden from the view.
  4. Relevant events can be selected or deselected by clicking on them. This will highlight the row on the PDF, and allow the user to allocate a timestamp/duration stamp to it.
  5. Multiple entries can be made to each line, depending on what information is given on the highlighted line on the PDF.
    1. To add multiple events to a line or card, simply click on the icons Add timestamp event / Add duration event within the card.
  6. Line thickness can be adjusted to accommodate the size of letter used on the PDF. This will reduce clutter, and prevent the green lines from overlapping each other.
  7. You are able to zoom in and out on the PDF page by accessing the same control panel as used for adjusting the highlight thickness.

2.3 Changing events, adding timestamps / durations

  1.  To change an event, simply select the relevant entry you want to change, and scroll through the drop-down list to the desired item.
    1. The right side panel automatically scrolls up/down as you move your cursor over the lines on the PDF document.
    2. To reposition the PDF to align with the card on the right side, click the magnifying-glass icon on the card and the PDF will scroll to align with the selected card.
  2. To add a timestamp or duration stamp:
    1. Click on the line you wish to add (if not already recognized by the parser)
    2. Select either timestamp or duration stamp on the right side panel.
    3. Select the relevant category from the drop-down list, or start typing to filter the list of select options.
    4. Select the relevant subcategory from the second drop down list.
      1. Note: There can be more than one entry made for each selected line on the PDF. Example: EOSP/Vessel arrived requires 2 entries to be made on the right side panel.
  3. Please find a dictionary cheat-sheet attached at the bottom of this guide. 

2.4 Cascading same settings to other lines

If similar strings exist in the SOF, you can cascade the same settings to other lines with the same or similar strings:

  1. Select the line.
  2. Go to the card and type the event to add.
  3. If similar strings exist, a pop-up window will display them: Apply changes to similar events?
  4. Select the event you would like to apply the same changes to.
  5. Click on Apply.

2.5 Validation warnings & how to navigate them

There are 2 levels at which the tool checks for errors on events:

  1. Warning (marked as orange): indicates an atypical entry, but allows the user to save. E.g.  when the events are not chronological.
  2. Error (marked as red): indicates an impossible entry (such as a date in the future) and will block the user from saving.
  3. There are also checks to ensure that certain key events exist. For example, the presence of nor_tendered and operations (load or discharge) events are checked. These warnings appear at the top.

For quick reference to all the errors in your document, you can activate "Show errors" in the top right corner of the screen.

  1. Note, you will not be able to mark your file as ‘DONE’ until all errors have been corrected.

2.6 Copy reference to page / line URL

Should you wish to discuss a line in the document with others, relating to a particular string in the document that you are working on, an option is available to copy a link that will direct your service provider directly to the page & line you are referring to.

  1. Simply move your cursor to the page & line you would like to copy over the written "Page:(x), Line:(x)".
  2. Once your cursor is over the desired line, you will have the option to ‘copy link’.
  3. To copy the link, simply click on the "Page:(x), Line:(x)"
  4. The link will now be copied to your clipboard, allowing you to simply use the ‘paste’ function on an email, etc.

2.7 Marking the file as "Done"

Once the validation has been completed, mark the file as done. 

By doing this, the file becomes available at other parts of the platform, such as for laytime calculations or insight reports.

2.8 Exporting the output to CSV

After the validation is complete, you can also export the outcome in CSV format:

  1. Go to the Export button, in the top left of the screen, next to Save.
  2. Select the format in which you want to download the file.
    1. Export .CSV
    2. Export .JSON
  3. The file will be saved into your local folder in the selected format.