- 1. Upload sources and permissions
- 2. Identifying the source
- 3. Who can see the documents?
- 4. Need help? Contact us
1. Upload sources and permissions
The visibility permissions for each document will depend on the source that is used to upload the file.
The different uploading sources can be divided as follows, according to the type of visibility they provide:
- Global visibility sources
- The files uploaded through these features or paths are visible to anyone that has access to the voyage.
- Documents tab
- Requests
- The files uploaded through these features or paths are visible to anyone that has access to the voyage.
- Restricted visibility sources
- The documents that are uploaded using these features are subjected to the same permissions configuration (hence, the same visibility conditions) as the source where they come from.
- Workflow tasks
- Cargo table (Details tab)
- The documents that are uploaded using these features are subjected to the same permissions configuration (hence, the same visibility conditions) as the source where they come from.
2. Identifying the source
From a voyage perspective, all the uploaded files are stored under the Documents tab. However, each file may or may-not be visible to a user, depending on that document's permissions.
Those permissions (as mentioned in section 1) depend on the source used to upload the file, which can be identified under the column Upload source, within the Documents tab (please see below).
The Upload sources that can be found are:
- General - Documents uploaded directly via Documents tab.
- Request Information - Files submitted through the Request feature.
- (Name of a workflow task) - Documents uploaded from a workflow task.
- Voyage cargoes - Files uploaded into the cargo table (within the Details tab).
3. Who can see the documents?
3.1 Global visibility
Remember, files uploaded through the features or paths below are visible to anyone that has access to the voyage:
- voyage owner company,
- schedule editor company,
- workflow users,
- customers.
3.1.1 Documents tab
When a document is uploaded through the Documents tab, it will be flagged as Upload source: General and no visibility restrictions will be applied to it.
This means that anyone with access to the voyage will be able to see and to download the file.
3.1.2 Requests
When a document is uploaded through the Requests tab (or through Documents > Request Document), it will be flagged as Upload source: Request information and no visibility restrictions will be applied to it.
Same as for the General documents, any viewer of the voyage will be able to see and download the file.
3.2 Restricted visibility
The files that are uploaded using the features below will be subjected to the same permissions as the source (workflow tasks or cargo details).
3.2.1 Workflow tasks
When a document is uploaded through a Workflow task, it will be flagged as Upload source: (name of the workflow task) and the same task's permissions will apply for the file visibility.
This means that only users that are Responsible or Viewers of the origin task will be able to see and to download the document.
Note: the Responsible and Viewer groups can be identified by opening the respective workflow task, and hovering over the icons below the task's name.
3.2.2 Cargo table (Details tab)
When a document is uploaded through the Cargo table (under Details tab), it will be flagged as Upload source: Voyage cargoes and the cargo table permissions will apply for the file visibility.
The cargo documents will be visible to:
- the voyage owner,
- the schedule editor,
- the workflow users,
- the customer that is indicated within the individual row of the cargo table.
Each customer will only have visibility of the documents uploaded into their corresponding row of the cargo table.
In the example below:
- Customer 1 will only see the documents from line 1 (and the General documents).
- Customer 2 will only see the documents from line 2 (and the General documents).
4. Need help? Contact us
If you have any questions at all, please feel free t contact us at, or through any of the available channels.